One example of the specialized training we provide is a course on Trauma and the Law with an emphasis on mental disability law. Trauma pervades almost every area of mental disability law. This discussion could cover some or all of the primary themes of interest to legal practitioners, mental health clinicians, and disability advocates. These include: the treatment of trauma-related disabilities in criminal courts, the role of trauma in the legal process for persons with mental disabilities, and the relationship between trauma and disability subordination. Training could also focus on a magnitude of legal and social issues that veterans are facing and offer solutions on how to effectively advocate for this population. Pertinent areas of exploration include: access to healthcare; access to mental health services; housing rights in the community; federal legislative approaches; stigma; civil rights in the community; and a full understanding of the medical and legal implications of being diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Clients have also requested and received a special focus on the relationship between trauma and incompetency, insanity and sentencing.
To find out more, get in touch.

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